Headshot of Gloryah in a cafe with a laptop on the table

my bio

I've got a knack for UX, 3D Design and savvy prototyping skills to innovate for unique brands and industries.

My goal is to stay curious and dig bigger holes until they have to put me in one. Dark, yes, but boring? Never.

Currently working at VMLY&R. Past clients include

Pfizer Advil Narcan Conagara logosMetrolinx Catholic Health Childrens Hospital Keiwit Luminarium

my obsessions

Me holding an ice cream sandwich in a paper bowl

Boujee ice cream
You haven't lived until you've had
miso + sour cherry ice cream

Me outside of a museum that reads CAAM painted on the back wall

Museums + Botanical Gardens
Shoutout to the California
African American Museum

A crocheted circle with orange and yellow checkered pattern

Archives from my favorite
checkered bucket hat

my philosophy

How I see it, we live in a mezzo-tech world. We don't rely on phone booths or newspapers to keep up, but we're also not plugged into a VR headset 24/7....yet. We live somewhere in the middle in what I call "the sweet spot".

I strive to enhance the intersection between our day-to-day physical spaces and the digital screens we use to connect to each other.

In my career so far, I've explored the sweet spot in architecture, transportation, and now healthcare UX. I'm eager to see how far this thing can go. No industry is off-limits, so stay tuned for more.

A Venn Diagram with physcial space and digital world on the circles. The intersection is labeled the sweet spot